Optimal Living

Optimal Living Starts Today, Not Tomorrow

Look up the word optimal and it is defined as best, most favorable, or most desirable. So what does “Optimal Living” mean and of course, what does it have to do with the Millionaire Success Network?

When you ask someone about how their weekend went or how they’re doing, the standard response is, “fine” or “not bad”. However, getting them to talk about all the great and wonderful things that might have happened is almost like pulling teeth.

On the other hand, when you ask them about some of the “problems” in their life you can’t get them to shut up. It’s like you opened up the flood gates and all their worries, concerns, and issues come pouring out.

Business Men Floodgate

Seems like people love to talk about their problems and have no idea how to talk about anything else – especially the good stuff.

If everyone has so many problems, it must mean that no one is living an “optimal life” right?

Turn on the television and you’ll see celebrities having a good time at a party, top athletes rubbing elbows with supermodels, rich, successful businessmen and women living the “good” life with their fancy cars and decked out homes.

Fancy Cars & Fancy House

Most people see this and think, “Oh, they must have it good! They must be living that Optimal Life!”

Grass is Greener On the Other SideIt reminds us of the saying that goes, “the grass is always greener on the other side.” And if you’ve never heard this saying, it means that something else always looks better than what you’ve got… that is until you get to the other side. Then you might wish that you were back where you started.

Now I’m not going to lie. Money and success does have its perks.   In fact, there’s another saying that goes, “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor; Believe me honey, rich is better.”

Sophie Tucker Outrageous

That doesn’t mean that having money means living an optimal life though.

So let’s go back to the original question. What does optimal living mean?

And the answer is another question…

That question is, “What do you want?”

You see, optimal living is going to be different for everyone. You have it within your power to live an optimal life if you so choose. Most people just don’t think about it and therefore let life lead them instead of leading their life.

Man Scratching HeadOnto our third saying, “Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. And then there are those who wonder, ‘what the hell just happened?’”

Which one are you?

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, sick or healthy, single or married, or whatever, you get to decide what an optimal life is and what is not for you.

So are you living an optimal life? One way to find out is to sit down and answer these following questions as truthfully and honestly as you can:

  • “Am I contented with my life today?”
  • “Am I happy with the way my family treats me?”
  • “Do I think I have some good friends?”
  • “Am I insecure about money and the future?”
  • “Am I happy with my job?”
  • “Am I satisfied with my sex life?”

So how’d you do?

How do you feel after answering those questions?

Do you feel happy? Sad? Worried? Content? Resolved?

Our goal here at the Millionaire Success Network is to help you achieve your optimal life. For many people, that might require some additional funds and freedoms. That’s why we work to teach you how to make money online for extra income and so you can control you time. Work when you want to work. Play when you want to play. And focus on having the right mindset for success.

Remember, money doesn’t buy you happiness.

Average Income and Happiness Graph

Money can enable you to live an easier life though. It can help you alleviate some financial debt from school loans, business debt and more. It can pay for healthier foods instead of canned soup and ramen noodles. It can provide you with a nice home where the roof doesn’t leak or the toilet doesn’t run.

It can’t buy you true happiness, real friends, a loving family, and a sense of fulfillment from doing something truly spectacular that only you can accomplish.

Woman Reaching Finish lineHave you ever finished first in a race? How did you feel?

Fist Pumping Beach BabyHave you ever worked so hard at something and then finally completed it. How did you feel?

Boy Graduating Cap & GownHave you ever received a high school diploma, college degree, or advanced degree? How did you feel?


Did you ever get married to your one, true love? How did you feel?

Wedding Couple

Money cannot give you any of that.

Laziness, complaining, griping cannot give you that.

All the wishing and thinking in the world cannot give you that.

Only through the right mindset, attitude, and massive action can you achieve an optimal life.

If you want to learn more about how to live your optimal life, download our free Optimal Living eBook Series. Just click on the image below to be taken to the registration page.

MSN Optimal Living eBooks

P.S. – If you don’t already know, the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Giveaway 5 is now LIVE… This is your chance to download a selection of the finest Health & Wellness gifts available on the net today! Until June 15th, you can download the BEST collection of FREE Health & Wellness eBooks, videos, audios, memberships and much more.

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Optimal Living

Optimal Living Starts Today, Not Tomorrow

Look up the word optimal and it is defined as best, most favorable, or most desirable. So what does “Optimal Living” mean and of course, what does it have to do with the Millionaire Success Network?

When you ask someone about how their weekend went or how they’re doing, the standard response is, “fine” or “not bad”. However, getting them to talk about all the great and wonderful things that might have happened is almost like pulling teeth.

On the other hand, when you ask them about some of the “problems” in their life you can’t get them to shut up. It’s like you opened up the flood gates and all their worries, concerns, and issues come pouring out.

Business Men Floodgate

Seems like people love to talk about their problems and have no idea how to talk about anything else – especially the good stuff.

If everyone has so many problems, it must mean that no one is living an “optimal life” right?

Turn on the television and you’ll see celebrities having a good time at a party, top athletes rubbing elbows with supermodels, rich, successful businessmen and women living the “good” life with their fancy cars and decked out homes.

Fancy Cars & Fancy House

Most people see this and think, “Oh, they must have it good! They must be living that Optimal Life!”

Grass is Greener On the Other SideIt reminds us of the saying that goes, “the grass is always greener on the other side.” And if you’ve never heard this saying, it means that something else always looks better than what you’ve got… that is until you get to the other side. Then you might wish that you were back where you started.

Now I’m not going to lie. Money and success does have its perks.   In fact, there’s another saying that goes, “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor; Believe me honey, rich is better.”

Sophie Tucker Outrageous

That doesn’t mean that having money means living an optimal life though.

So let’s go back to the original question. What does optimal living mean?

And the answer is another question…

That question is, “What do you want?”

You see, optimal living is going to be different for everyone. You have it within your power to live an optimal life if you so choose. Most people just don’t think about it and therefore let life lead them instead of leading their life.

Man Scratching HeadOnto our third saying, “Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. And then there are those who wonder, ‘what the hell just happened?’”

Which one are you?

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, sick or healthy, single or married, or whatever, you get to decide what an optimal life is and what is not for you.

So are you living an optimal life? One way to find out is to sit down and answer these following questions as truthfully and honestly as you can:

  • “Am I contented with my life today?”
  • “Am I happy with the way my family treats me?”
  • “Do I think I have some good friends?”
  • “Am I insecure about money and the future?”
  • “Am I happy with my job?”
  • “Am I satisfied with my sex life?”

So how’d you do?

How do you feel after answering those questions?

Do you feel happy? Sad? Worried? Content? Resolved?

Our goal here at the Millionaire Success Network is to help you achieve your optimal life. For many people, that might require some additional funds and freedoms. That’s why we work to teach you how to make money online for extra income and so you can control you time. Work when you want to work. Play when you want to play. And focus on having the right mindset for success.

Remember, money doesn’t buy you happiness.

Average Income and Happiness Graph

Money can enable you to live an easier life though. It can help you alleviate some financial debt from school loans, business debt and more. It can pay for healthier foods instead of canned soup and ramen noodles. It can provide you with a nice home where the roof doesn’t leak or the toilet doesn’t run.

It can’t buy you true happiness, real friends, a loving family, and a sense of fulfillment from doing something truly spectacular that only you can accomplish.

Woman Reaching Finish lineHave you ever finished first in a race? How did you feel?

Fist Pumping Beach BabyHave you ever worked so hard at something and then finally completed it. How did you feel?

Boy Graduating Cap & GownHave you ever received a high school diploma, college degree, or advanced degree? How did you feel?


Did you ever get married to your one, true love? How did you feel?

Wedding Couple

Money cannot give you any of that.

Laziness, complaining, griping cannot give you that.

All the wishing and thinking in the world cannot give you that.

Only through the right mindset, attitude, and massive action can you achieve an optimal life.

If you want to learn more about how to live your optimal life, download our free Optimal Living eBook Series. Just click on the image below to be taken to the registration page.

MSN Optimal Living eBooks

P.S. – If you don’t already know, the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Giveaway 5 is now LIVE… This is your chance to download a selection of the finest Health & Wellness gifts available on the net today! Until June 15th, you can download the BEST collection of FREE Health & Wellness eBooks, videos, audios, memberships and much more.

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